8.05.2015 г.

China - Li River cruise

    Here we are in the area of karst topography. The province is Guangxi, we start from the city of Guilin and and we were taken by bus to Zhujiang Wharf. This port was our starting  point for the Lijiang river cruise to Yangshuo. Then we sailed away to a new utopia world....

The most beautiful graphics ever
Rain cannot stop us
Weather getting even worse
Bamboo rafts with roofs are very useful today
Bamboo raft competition
Is 30 seconds enough to capture the 20 Yuan bill photo?

Semi-dry, semi-wet and partially soaked
The clouds start to disappear?
You never know what's around the corner
Approaching civilization
The port of Yangshuo
The West street
Nature + human

    Indeed, this is one of the most picturesque highlights of China!

Read more about China...

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